Mám takový dotaz....tohle mi přišlo z Norska od Marianne Lund, která organizuje MS v Norsku. Jak se zdá, tak asi není zaplacen členský příspěvek pro IFSS.... Kdyby se na to mohl někdo podívat....
....I wonder how Checkia is organized in mushing: is it like Norway where there is a mushing organisation(NHF) and a kennel club with different breedclubs attached?
On behalf of IFSS, I have been asked to send special invitations to all countries to make sure that national federations understand they THEY must enter mushers (sprint/md/nordic) to WC2011. And to remind some countries that they have not paid their membership fee, which excludes mushers from their country. I personally worry about you since Checkia is not in good standing, they owe money. We can sort it out I'm sure, in peace and quiet, but do you have any idea who I can turn to??
Thanks, Marianne